How to get involved

Help End Impaired Driving in All Forms

The victims of impaired driving are not just statistics. They are mothers, spouses, friends and brothers. There are numerous ways to help us in our mission. No matter how you give, you are making an impact and saving lives.

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No matter how you give, your commitment will save lives.


Name us your charity of choice and put your donations to our trusted mission!


Join one of our fundraising events.


Funds for law enforcement officers to attend the Texas Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program, which is training to identify and prosecute drug-impaired drivers.
Support of MADD in their mission to end impaired driving – Mothers Against Drunk and Drugged Driving.
Scholarships for student athletes at select high schools for college level expenses.
Scholarships for supplier partners in the multi-family industry to obtain the CertifiedApartment Supplier (CAS) designation.
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our financials

In Texas, there is one death every 8.5 hours from drunk driving and it’s the number one
cause of death on our roadways.
43.6% of fatally injured drivers also tested positive for drugs.
Texas has the 4th highest drunk/drugged driving death rate in the country.

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With your help, we can bring an end to impaired driving while caring for the victims of this 100% preventable crime.

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